
Karlo G. Magpayo

Business + Entrepreneurship + Leadership + Motivation


Marketing Communications


Article Published by Karlo Magpayo
Philippine Star November 1 2018, page C2

There seems to be a rising popularity and interest on columbariums in the country (Philippines) especially in highly dense metropolitan areas. A columbary is similar to a mausoleum – a private or public structure with a key difference that a columbary vault as the name suggests, hold urns that contain cremains (cremated remains) in them. Roughly about 12 x 12 inches and deep it is made or built of stone, brick, granite, or marble.

Columbariums were first used by the Romans in 300 a.d. Where the ashes of loved ones were put in ornate urns and placed in sacred underground chambers, which were decorated with frescos and mosaics. The word columbarium is from the Latin term columba which means, “dwelling place of the dove.” A columba originally meant a sectional housing structure for doves and pigeons, what is now called a dovecote.

For hundreds of years, churches were the main places where columbariums were found. Many Catholic churches have columbariums located in them. The most favored locations for religious columbariums are within the church, or in church cemeteries such as that of Mother Teresa Columbary at La Loma Cemetery Compound in Caloocan. The massive structure was built several years ago with land belonging to the Archdiocese of Kalookan. This site has become a major landmark due to the historical significance of La Loma Cemetery and the modern take on addressing the needs of Filipinos of a dignified and cheaper alternative of burial lots which can be very expensive from both purchase and maintenance perspectives. This allows family members another to “move” a loved one with them, if the need arises, yet still provides a special place where family and friends can remember and memorialize their loved one.

Another peculiarity of Mother Teresa Columbary in La Loma, Caloocan is its decorated vaults covered in glass decorated with the deceased’s photo, or symbols of their life the demand of columbary vaults also translates to an increase in demand cremation service which is part and parcel of whole death care process ( a service that is also provide by Mother Teresa) . Statistically back in 2008, the use of cremation service in Metro Manila was only at 15% out of the total rendered services from Funeral Homes but in 2015 a study was conducted that cremation is at equal par with “burol” or wake services at 51% (49% being wake services). Cremation,

A columbarium does not require an in-earth burial, but instead, allows for the interment of a loved one in a structure, away from the elements. As our world becomes more populated, dense and the worsening traffic many Filipinos will notice the need for more columbariums eventually replacing in-ground cemeteries as the modernity, ease, beliefs and cost play an important role in the Filipino psyche.

Comparative Cost of Traditional Wake/Burol and Libing versus Cremation and Use of Columbary Vaults

Burol with Libing Cremation with Columbary Vault
Wake/ Burol Services: P65,000.00 (with casket) Cremation Service: P16,000.00 (with Urn)
Memorial Lot: P100,000.00 Columbary Vault: P53,000.00
Total: P165,000.00 Total: P69,000.00
Other Issues: Casket Upgrading, Memorial lot maintenance, harmful to the environment due to use of wood for caskets, use of embalming fluid that seeps to the ground water. Cheaper and more practical

Entrepreneurial Wisdom

I’ve spent more than a decade being in corporate but did dabble in a few businesses in between and over the years. None so significant that I went full on towards being a entrepreneur, doing what I a really good at. Presently, I sussessfully manage Mother Teresa Crematory and Columbarium in the Philippines with expansion projects in various parts of the country.

1. The most valuable asset is time.

Once time passes it’s lost forever. Personally, time or the lack of it is the greatest resource that an entrepreneur or businessman has in his arsenal. Prioritization is the key! In the years being in corporate, I have seen many of my colleagues and staff who confuse activity with progress. They mix up the less important parts with the important ones that clearly need the utmost attention. Many, too have simply over analyzed situations only to miss the important thing, which is action. As my father in law one the Dean of Ateneo Graduate School called it “analysis paralysis”.


Nothing gets done with over thinking. My former boss Ernesto Santiago of St. Peter Life Plans constantly would remind us to start ahead which is always the hardest thing to do then have enough room for adjustments.

2. Stay curious.

I’m not quite sure how curiosity can be learned but what I do know, curiousity is the framework for innovation. At this day and age where we work at a frantic pace, today’s news is tomorrow’s history, a curious mind builds the best and brightest products/services we know and use as exemplified by the great Steve Jobs. Moreover, being a one trick pony is so old school equated to bell bottoms that can never be worn ever. As a rule, listen to trends – take small data by heart. Another is to embrace novelty and create you make opportunities for yourself. Novelties, are precursors to trends, once it clicks it gets sticky then you have yourself a market to play with.

Years back, I would often remind my managers to expose themselves to the world and not be confined to what they are used to. Curiosity takes a certain amount sacrifice as well being exposed to the unknown and using that to ones advantage. Conversely, if you always have your blinders on, your perspective becomes too narrow and you miss out on promising opportunities.


A decade ago I was so immersed in advertising that anything with numbers let alone the death care industry was too out there for me. However, curiousity enticed me to learn and master all about the memorial business and preneed/ insurance game from which I created the most powerful brands in the industry to date. In the same manner, the idea of bringing in traffic and general content to Yahoo! Philippines opened the floodgates to content and information supply in the Philippines.

Take the time to learn about new ideas or even entirely new businesses. By staying open and curious. Remember, if ever curiosity killed the cat, the cat had nine lives to spare.

3. Master your thoughts and emotions.

The most challenging in my career and perhaps my personal life was or I’d about controlling my emotions. By nature I wear my emotions on my sleeve like a billboard telling everyone, this is me. However, it was also my waterloo and cause of my disasters and troubles.

We often hear that failures, setbacks, and defeats make us better. Although painful, we have developed self-awareness to grow and learn forcing us to spend time on mastering our own thoughts and emotions.

The Godfather (1972)

I’d often like to think and emulate the character of Al Pacino as Michael Corleone when addressing the heads of the five families. You can see his coolness under stress quite the opposite of  his brother Sonny who got the worst end of the stick after a knee jerk reaction from a call from Connie. Being emtional is then being predictable. As Don Vito said to the young Santino “What’s the matter with you? I think your brain is going soft with all that comedy you are playing with that young girl. Never tell anyone outside the Family what you are thinking again”.

It takes a lot of discipline to be a calm and collected operator. Becoming the one who takes decisive action while others get emotional at the push of a buttongives you the unfair advantage.

4. Intuition and vision.


It’s one of those things that’s difficult to define and place into context. Intuition or gut feel is unmistakably esoteric that comes from a higher plane. Intuition comes often than most would think off, Malcolm Gladwell easily pointed out in his book Blink that is the first reaction, the first instinct that we should listen to. The problem lies in between and when rational thought enters our sensibilities. Since we do have a combination of both rational and irrational behaviors, training our heart and mind makes way for the decisive moment of trust. Trusting a vision that takes a successful entrepreneur to making things happen. Economists, accountants and finance folks rely on statistics or historical data forecasting decisions of the future. That is all fine if your desire is to go on cruise control. To be pioneering, creative and a game changer, metrics and scale at times should take a backseat.

5. To be the best, employ the best.

Life and business is about getting to point A to point B in the least amount of time efficiently and effectively. As the top honcho, boss, CEO your job dictates you to be the dreamer, visionary, the person who creates opportunities and makes it happen. Leave the small things to your employees but hire the best ones to do the job.


Top talents are means to end and reward them appropriately whenever’s there’s a reason to celebrate. By creating a championship worthy environment the under current for inspiration and motivation would manifest itself in more ways than one could imagine.

6. Be unpredictable, don’t assume you know everything.

Many have compared business to war, if this is the true then it’s better to unpredictable with your actions. Being level headed and not assuming you know everything opens alot of opportunities to made. Thoughts and comments like “I’ve done that before” “I tried that” have no place in the curious mind if a successful businessman. Much of my success and favor in the business community came from my ability to listen and taking the finer points into problem solving and challenging opportunities that are game changers or first mover endeavours. I truly belive that nowadays people are smarter and more opinionated than before, by using such with a sprinkle of patience can lead to your next big idea.


8. Toast small wins.

The wisdom here is to keep the ball rolling for longer periods of time rather than having dry spells and lulls for periods at a time. To start a company is harder and its even harder to keep it in the black for the first few years. Statistics show that 80% of all start-ups fail during its first two years for a variety of reasons. 

The above are some simple lessons I’ve learned and applied over the years including some hard experiences that made me who I am and what I am made of. I am not saying that these are fool proof lessons as nothing is really. Even up to this point, I am still trying to learn and hone my skills even further to be better and sharper than before.


“Hard decisions are easier made when your own values intact”

Golden Haven Memorial Parks Inc. Corporate AVP

Sharing Golden Haven’s Memorial Parks Inc first AVP

Taking advertising to the next level

Personally i think the hardest product/service to sell in large quantities is the idea of death or deathcare to be more specific.  It takes a whole lot of thinking, effort and creativity to build a brand focus on this death or deathcare as well as advertise heavily without going overboard or being too morbid.

In the Philippines,  visiting families and friends of a dearly departed would often say “parang natutulog lang” while looking at the  body of the deceased.  This is translated to “looks like he or she is just sleeping”. This Filipino saying within the confines of a funeral chapel or parlor envokes love and respect for the dead. It is a symbolic of being alive and well with yearning, wanting them back. Because of this, we took inspiration on creating something beautiful and poetic to our latest St. Peter Ad beginning with a print layout that is simple, elegant, witty and to say the least creative to a not so literal degree.


The above layout will be shown next month in a leading Womens Maganzine. Do note the placing of the logo on vertical plane. This is intended for the reader flip the screen or page 90 degrees depicting a sleeping position eyes closed.

Much thanks to our model Dayan Hernandez and Tagline for the creative rendition.

Shopping for a new ride? a Bed perhaps? Our latest take on a Brand where humor is everything

It’s been sometime since I last posted anything about marketing or about the latest news the company I represent (St. Peter Life Plan) mainly due to some personal endeavours and soul searching for inspiration. In the tradition and flavor of our brand St. Peter, placing humor and casualness in a brand thats associated with death must be maintained. The following are two of our latest creations that will be featured on Top Gear Philippines (September – October Issue) and Good Housekeeping (November – December Issue).

Comfort for the long haul
                                                                                Comfort for the long haul
Shopping for a car?
                                                                                       Shopping for a car?

Admittedly, this sort of ad and communication message may leave readers dumbfounded corresponding to a smirk and even a good laugh, in the end which is after all the main objective of St. Peter is to create that “it” factor. Beyond the normal fare and traditional advertising layouts, we feel that combining some sense of humor as a strategy, will leave a deeper brand recall among readers or viewers of our brand. Please note that based on our research Top Gear and Good Housekeeping are the two most popular magazines in the country based on circulation, readership and pass on rate. Much thanks to Tagline for the pre and post production, you guys rock!

St. Peter Life Plan & Chapels Latest Ad, Kuya Kim being himself

Sharing our latest ad for St. Peter Life Plan & Chapels with Kuya Kim, this time with a crocodile on his shoulders embodying adventure and the outdoors that Kuya Kim Atienza is known for. Currently seen on billboards nationwide.

Since becoming our company endorser both Kuya Kim and St. Peter Life Plan and Chapels became synonymous towards pre-planning and securing a life plan as well as secured world class service during the time of need. Though the brand in itself is challenging to promote due to several sensitivities, I am quite confident that the commercialization aspect of the St. Peter Brand was well accepted promoted well – being the No.1 pre-need company (as per the Insurance Commission 2013) and the largest Funeral Service Business in the Philippines.

Kim Atienza for St. Peter Life Plan and Chapels
Kuya Kim Atienza for St. Peter Life Plan and Chapels

Having a great endorser is crucial to a brand so far it has been a pleasant one with Kuya Kim Atienza given the varied opportunities that he can convey our brand promise, message and communication plan and not through traditional advertising alone.

St. Peter employees at Showtime! with Kuya Kim
St. Peter employees at Showtime! with Kuya Kim
Anne Curtis at Showtime
Anne Curtis at Showtime

S Oil HERE Ballon: A great Corporate Communicatons Strategy

Here’s an example of a great corporate communications strategy from a South Korean company S-Oil. The video says it all.

Kuya ng Bayan, Kuya Kim Atienza

Kuya Kim endorsing the importance of a St. Peter Life Plan with representation among Filipino professionals
Kuya Kim endorsing the importance of a St. Peter Life Plan with representation among Filipino professionals









Written by Claro Hamili for Vision Magazine

The leading pre-need company in the Philippines St. Peter Life Plan, Inc. partners with the Kuya ng Bayan, high profile celebrity, environmentalist and weatherman, Kuya Kim Atienza to be its latest brand endorser!

Alejandro Ilagan “Kim”Atienza better known as Kuya Kim was born on January 6, 1967 and is the eldest son of former Manila Mayor Lito Atienza.

His TV career started when he began hosting “Animalandia”, a segment in ABS-CBN’s “Magandang Umaga, Pilipinas” early morning show. He went on to become the resident weatherman in TV Patrol’s segment, “Weather, Weather Lang” with which he is still currently active. After just a few years of impressive broadcast journalism, Kuya Kim was awarded his own full length TV show, “Matanglawin”. Kuya Kim is also presently a co-host of the noon time variety show “It’s Showtime”.

An avid marathoner and triathlete, he has participated in a number of popular and big events locally and abroad, training with Team Gotta Tri alongside Erwan Heusaff, Sen. Gilbert Remulla, Isabelle Daza, among others.

Known for his love for the environment and nature, he is the Habitat Ambassador of Habitat for Humanity Philippines. He also promotes community development and encourages learning among young children, an advocacy that is close to his heart.

Even with his full schedule, Kuya Kim still manages to balance his time with his three children, Jose II, Meimei and Eman, and with wife Fely, who is the President and founding member of the Chinese International School Manila.

Kuya Kim embodies the spirit of a true St. Peterian – Passionate, Dedicated and a True Professional. He is always persevering and aiming high to achieve both career and personal goals without compromising his values. The quality Kuya Kim puts out in his work reflects the same quality of service that St. Peter gives to its clients.

Kuya Kim’s ability to reach out to a broader range of audience and mass appeal is instrumental in bringing the St. Peter brand to every Filipino household as well as giving a sense of trust and security. ABS- CBN programs continue to dominate viewership ratings including “It’s Showtime” and “TV Patrol” where he proudly promotes and greets St. Peterians on air.

Certainly Kuya Kim lives his life to the fullest; and this, more than anything, is the underlying message that St. Peter is advocating with this endorsement. Suffering from a stroke in 2010 without any long term effects, this experience made him realize the importance of being prepared for any eventuality. St. Peter provides the sense of security that enables one to enjoy and experience life to its fullest without much worry. No one can better recommend this than Kuya Kim himself.

Kuya Kim has established his credibility by being the go-to personality for trivia and information and this credibility will certainly lift the St. Peter brand and secure its position as the number one Pre-Need DeathCare Company in the country.

The best of Kuya Kim perfectly matches the best of St. Peter Life Plan, Inc. The future is certainly not “weather, weather lang”.

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